Pre-school Session


The children are met outside by Aunty Gilly and encouraged to go down the slide into Kilnsea pre-school. The children have a small amount of free play time before they are required to settle for registration. Parents have the opportunity to raise any issues with the staff without being overheard and we’ve found that the children settle quicker without parents coming inside the building.


This is a quiet sit-down time for the children to share greetings. We discuss the calendar and the weather. The planned activities for session are introduced.

Free Play

During this time children can access a variety of toys or can choose from planned activities and can move freely around the room. This includes free flow to our outside play area which is a reflection of the indoor activities.

We have table top areas, which are used for jigsaws, construction toys, games and topic-related activities.

We have a designated language & literacy table providing opportunities for early reading and writing skills, and maths, science and small physical tables.

The carpet area is for larger construction and small world play e.g. cars, trains, Duplo.

We have a role play area, which changes weekly from a café to hospital, office, shop etc.

A book corner allows the children time to look at books of all sorts individually or in small groups.  We have a tent in which children can enjoy some quiet time.

We also have a computer, which has CDs appropriate to the age range giving some valuable first I.T. experience.

There are painting and craft activities related to the group topic as well as ever-changing general messy play materials e.g. playdough, sand, water, etc.

Snack Time

The children’s snack is provided by Kilnsea Pre-School. We use this valuable time to socialise in small groups with the children.

This is also an opportunity to introduce some sign language. The routine starts by children counting how many snacks are required for their table. This is another valuable way in which we cover the various areas of learning.

Please discuss any special dietary requirements (e.g. allergies) your child may have with the manager so that they can still be included in this essential element of the session.

Group Time

After snack time we have a short period of adult led group activities, usually in key person groups. This usually takes the form of circle times, listening skills, board games, or other specific developmental experiences.

Physical Development

It is important for children to be physically and mentally active. We have physical activity on large apparatus or in the form of keep fit sessions using music and movement CDs.

Story Time

A story is read and discussed. And we look at topic-related songs, poems, rhymes and things of interest, which have come up during the session.

Home Time

The session is ended by singing and the children return to their chairs to await the arrival of their parents/carers. A staff member is on door duty to record each child’s safe departure in the register.

If a child is to be picked up by anyone other than a parent or other main carer known to the staff at Kilnsea or if there are any special circumstances surrounding a child’s collection, these details MUST be communicated with the Manager. If there is a sudden change of plans then you must phone Kilnsea and inform the staff and give your child’s password to the person collecting. If in any doubt the staff will not release a child without the password.

The Pre-School caters for children’s individual needs for rest and quiet activities during the day.